
A component which is used to greet the user when they land on a page. The Intro Banner is also used as a supplement for text.

Style: Background blue, Background Dark grey, Background grey

  • Here is how a hearing aid works step-by-step:

  • Microphones pick up sounds

  • Sounds are analysed by the processing chip

  • Processed sounds are sent to the amplifier

  • Amplified sounds are sent to the loudspeaker

  • Sounds are transmitted by the loudspeaker into the inner ear, via tubing in an ear mould in the ear canal, or via a thin wire to a receiver in the ear

  • In the inner ear the sounds are transformed into electrical impulses

  • Impulses are picked up by the brain where they are processed

Intro-banner products

A component which is used to greet the user when they land on a page. The Intro Banner is also used as a supplement for text.

you can even put a link here

  • Here is how a hearing aid works step-by-step:

  • Microphones pick up sounds

  • Sounds are analysed by the processing chip

  • Processed sounds are sent to the amplifier

  • Amplified sounds are sent to the loudspeaker

  • Sounds are transmitted by the loudspeaker into the inner ear, via tubing in an ear mould in the ear canal, or via a thin wire to a receiver in the ear

  • In the inner ear the sounds are transformed into electrical impulses

  • Impulses are picked up by the brain where they are processed

Intro Banner

Background color blue
Background color dark grey
Background color green
Background color grey
Background color light grey
Component margin bottom large
Component margin bottom medium
Component margin bottom small
Component margin top
Component margin top medium
Component margin top small
Component padding bottom large
Component padding bottom medium
Component padding bottom smalll
Component padding top large
Component padding top medium
Component padding top small
Header link
Header link corporate
Headline size to fit
Hide on mobile
Intro banner center content
Intro banner force width
Intro banner height 100pct
Intro banner height 90pct
Intro banner negative margin
Introbanner hide image on mobile
Introbanner list position left
Introbanner with list
Phone header
Slider stack
Text color white
Text position bottom
Text position center
Text position right
Text position top
Text width 20 pct
Text width 30 pct
Text width 40 pct
Text width 50 pct
Text width 60 pct
Text width 70 pct
Text width 80 pct
Text width 90 pct

It is possible to show video in the Intro banner component